All PST Delivery certificate information is now provided in the Texas Open Data Portal (TXDOP) and is updated nightly! (Instructions for searching the PST data)
If you own one or more regulated underground storage tanks (USTs), then you must:
- UST Facility Operator Training Notice
- Allowed verification of self-certification (UST compliance certification) via the PST Registration Database Query web page.
- Register each UST with the TCEQ — even if it is empty or unused.
- Each year, renew the delivery certificate for your facility at least 30 days before the current certificate expires.
- Include proof of Financial Assurance with all Self-Certification forms.
- Make sure that each UST tank fill pipe is clearly labeled according to the uniform system described in the rules [Subparagraph 334.8(c)(5)(C)].
- Have all facility fees billed to date to the current owner paid in full. After September 1, 2007, Petroleum Storage Tank owners were no longer assessed annual registration fees. Any fee that required payment prior to September 1, 2007 will continue to be the responsibility of the tank owner. This includes fees for tanks that were not properly registered by September 1, 2007.
- At least 30 days before beginning construction work on your UST facility, notify the TCEQ.
- Within 30 days of any changes in ownership at your UST facility, inform the TCEQ that the change has occurred.
- Any other changes need to be submitted within 30 days by using the Underground Storage Tank Registration and Self-Certification form (TCEQ-0724).
Delivery Certificates
Renewing a PST Delivery Certificate
How to renew the delivery certificate for underground storage tanks at your facility each year.
Revocation of PST Delivery Certificate in Case of Default
Explains the agency’s policy of revoking a PST delivery certificate if a respondent defaults in a PST enforcement case.
Updating the Delivery Certificate when Ownership Changes
How to obtain a new delivery certificate after buying or receiving a UST facility from its previous owner. Must be done within 30 days of transfer—even sooner, if the current certificate expires before then.